How To Break The Bad Habits You Don’t Know You Have

How To Break The Bad Habits You Don’t Know You Have

If you don’t know you have a bad habit, obviously you have no motivation to break it.  But it is the mysterious habits that we do subconsciously – or almost subconsciously – that can do the most damage to our lives.  I know I’m guilty of this and I’m actually discovering some of my previously unknown bad habits as I’m spending most of my time at home now taking care of my newborn.  So the question is, how do you break bad habits you don’t know you have?

“Our habits – good or bad – determine if we reach most of the goals in our lives,” says John Collopy, author of the book The Reward of Knowing. “What I’ve learned is that you have to identify the underlying cause of the bad habits before you can break them.”

He offers these suggestions for those who may be struggling to understand why they continually seem to make the wrong decisions.


  • Start with identifying where you are stuck. The first step is identifying the exact moment you realized you were doing something that you knew you didn’t really want to do.
  • Find the trigger. As soon as you have located the exact moment you went off the rails, try to find out what triggered your behavior that you want to change.
  • Ask yourself: is this behavior moving me towards my life’s goals?  By keeping your ultimate goals in mind, it will make it easier to take the smaller steps needed to obtain those goals.
  • Don’t let bad habits cause you to have a mediocre life. Sometimes bad habits are not as serious as alcohol or drugs, but nonetheless, they wear you down so you are not as productive and happy as you could be.  Don’t allow bad habits to make your life less fulfilling than it should be
  • Ask for help. If it is a small habit you are trying to break, just telling friends about it can help you internalize the need for change.  If it is a big problem, don’t be afraid to seek professional help.

“Pinpointing bad habits is not as easy as diagnosing a drug or alcohol addiction,” says Collopy.  “Honing in on why we think the way we do, and why we do the things we do – that takes some deep reflection that many people won’t take the time to do.” He says that it was only after he dived deep into his own soul that he realized he had subconscious bad habits and he needed to break the cycle.  He says he makes a conscious effort each day to make choices that align with his personal life goals.

I hope these tips help and inspire you!  We are all seeking to be the best versions of ourselves.  Something as simple as binging a show on Netflix may seem harmless, but it can quickly escalate into something bigger.  Now is always a great time for self-reflection and to make a change for the better!

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XOXO – Stuart

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