My Evivo Story: Why I Make Gut Health a Priority For My Baby

My Evivo Story: Why I Make Gut Health a Priority For My Baby

Here’s a word you don’t hear every day: dysbiosis. Gut dysbiosis is a big word for a simple problem. When there’s an excess of bad bacteria (or not enough good bacteria) in the gut, it can play havoc on your health, and the same goes for your baby. These imbalances can be the root cause of conditions like diabetes, obesity, eczema, colic…the list goes on and on. The first six months are critical for setting a healthy and balanced stage for your baby’s gut health, and being proactive during that time with the right infant probiotic will have long-lasting benefits. Here’s why Evivo is my first and only choice to keep my baby’s gut health in top shape:

Because a Healthy Looking Baby Isn’t Always a Healthy Baby

Babies can’t tell you when their gut microbiome is out of whack! Just because those cheeks are so rosy and kissable, don’t make the mistake of thinking your baby’s gut is in peak condition. Symptoms of a bacterial imbalance don’t always show up right away. In fact, 9 out of 10 US-born babies have a low functioning gut microbiome. They need that good bacteria to be healthy inside and out, and the first six months are super important for establishing lifelong gut health.


Because Tummy Troubles Don’t Go Away By Themselves

Tummy woes are pretty common in the early months, when baby is getting used to the world outside of your womb. Evivo repopulates baby’s gut with the good bacteria that are missing. As a result, baby is able to use more of the nutrients in breast milk and therefore has fewer bowel movements. When baby does poop, the stools tend to be softer, more well-formed, which helps prevent chronic diaper rash. This not only makes for happier insides, but it can have a positive impact on chronic diaper rash caused by the frequent, watery poops that are characteristic of exclusively breastfed babies.


Because All Probiotics Are Not Created Equal

Evivo Activated B. infantis EVC001, Actibif® is fermented through a unique, patented method that allows it to work hand-in-hand with breast milk. This strain is the only one I trust for my breastfed baby. You know what Evivo contains? Activated B. infantis EVC001 and lactose. That’s it. No additives and nothing artificial, just good bacteria and lactose, the only sugar that is naturally found in breast milk.


Because It’s Based On Science

Evivo is clinically proven not only to restore the good bacteria B. infantis in your baby’s gut, but to reduce bad bacteria by 80%. It creates a protective environment for your baby’s gut, giving him a jump start at good metabolism and strong immunity. Who doesn’t want that for their child? Oh, and did I mention that Evivo converts certain indigestible nutrients from your breast milk, making them beneficial to your baby when they would otherwise have gone to waste? Breastfeeding is time-consuming and requires a lot of planning for working mamas, so it’s a huge plus to know that my liquid gold is being used to its full potential!


As a first-time mom, there’s so much that I didn’t even know to ask about. I am so happy that I learned about Evivo! Whether you’re about to have your first baby or you’re a second or third time mother who is just learning about the importance of gut health in the early months, I hope you’ll ask your pediatrician about Evivo. Receive $10 off your Evivo starter kit of 4 weeks with code BLOGSD6, or receive $20 off your Evivo starter kit of 8 weeks or more with code BLOG3DQ.  What #guthealthfacts have you learned on your motherhood journey?

*This post was sponsored by Evivo. All opinions are my own.

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