Getting Back to the Gym: Ideas for Healthy Mummy Smoothies

Getting Back to the Gym: Ideas for Healthy Mummy Smoothies

Becoming a mother is one of the most rewarding experiences in life. It turns your life around and changes your perspective completely, making your baby the center of your universe. Still, after a while, mothers feel the need to embrace some of their old habits and start working out again. Getting back in shape after childbirth is difficult but not impossible. We’ve prepared a list of healthy smoothies for mummies who are going to hit the gym once more.

Getting Back to the Gym: Ideas for Healthy Mummy Smoothies


Workouts are great, but before you get back in shape, you’ll feel drained and tired a lot. Post-workout smoothies are the best for restoring energy and aiding in muscle recovery. For a nice post-workout smoothie, use half a cup of kale, a quarter of a banana, a quarter of a cup of blueberries, a tablespoon of almond butter and chia (you can also use flax), and a glass of coconut water. Bananas strengthen muscles and aid in muscle recovery just like kale, and flax seeds boost metabolism.



Sometimes it’s difficult to find nice and delicious vegan recipes, and many mummies avoid vegan smoothies because they fear that these drinks don’t have enough nutrients. Luckily, this is not true, and there are plenty of fantastic vegan smoothie recipes that are great for your body. You need a cup of sliced carrots, half a teaspoon of finely shredded orange peel, a tablespoon of vegan protein powder, a cup of ice cubes, and a cup of orange juice. Not only is this a good recipe for vegans, but for diabetics too.

Green tea

Green tea is a well-known coffee replacement, full of caffeine, but at the same time a great way to get rid of toxins and boost your metabolism. What is more, powdered green tea (widely known as matcha) contains 137 times more antioxidants than good old brewed green tea. Take a couple of peeled and sliced bananas (freeze them first), a cup of coconut milk or Greek yogurt, two tablespoons of matcha green tea powder, and a handful of frozen spinach. If you want, you can add a few pieces of pineapple for the taste, and eat this for breakfast.


Weight loss

When you’re trying to lose weight, you should focus on getting enough fibers because they make you feel full longer, and they fill your belly without making you feel like you’ve eaten a ton. Here’s a fiber-rich smoothie recipe for you: half a cup of the following ingredients: blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries, one banana, one kiwi, and one peach. You also need half an apple and half a pear, as well as 2 cups of spinach. This is very thick, of course, and if you want, you can add soy milk, Greek yogurt, or good old coconut water. 

Creamy avocado

For people who are always in a hurry, smoothies are the best choice. Not only are they delicious, but they’re also packed with nutrients and vitamins which makes them a great meal replacement. Next time you don’t have time to eat a proper breakfast, try this: use a frozen banana to make a creamy and sweet base for a smoothie and then add an avocado. It’s packed with fibers and healthy fats and it’s going to make your smoothie resemble a milkshake. After that, use milk, you can pick any milk of your choice: dairy-free, lactose-free, or regular. Put a tablespoon of protein powder of your choice, in the end, to make it thicker and more nutritious, and you’ll be good to go.


Any beginning is difficult, and when you’ve been focused on your baby and motherhood for a while, it can seem like exercising is ten times as difficult as it used to be. Embrace a healthy diet alongside gentle workout routine and you’ll be surprised with how soon you’ll see the positive change. Remember, practice makes perfect, and if you stick to your decision to get back in shape, you’ll soon start seeing results.

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